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Do you want to get smarter?

Ugh ... Ufff .. Forgot the keys, Forgot to call , Forgot the appointment, Forgot the meeting...
Does this happen with you ? Do you feel that your tired brain is not responding properly?
You don’t feel enough smart because there is so much to do? Balancing every front isn’t easy.

I hear you, I can completely understand. I am here to help you. You can feed your brain proper nutrition and get smart. Side effects are, you will lose weight, eat and be healthy.

I have started KISS nutrition smoothie series... don't get excited, KISS is "Keep It Simple,Stupid"

Ingredients – Kale, Banana, Orange Juice and Walnuts.

Why Kale?
Kale is known to be one of the most healthiest, nutrient dense vegetables of all. Kale is rich in antioxidants, phytochemicals and fiber. Kale is also an excellent source of protein and a good source of dietary fiber. Each serving of kale has 1g of dietary fiber. We don't usually think of our greens as sources of healthful fats. But kale is actually a great source of alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid. Kale is perfect brain food with combinations of nutrients needed for brain health.
For more details,

Why Banana?
Bananas are well known for their potassium content, the potassium in bananas can help prevent muscle cramps after exercise. Banana contains vitamin C, vitamin B-6, manganese and fiber. A banana provides some iron, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus as well as vitamins A and E, folate, carotene and choline. Bananas also contain trace amounts of many amino acids.

Most importantly, a banana in morning will start your day off right and will give you the energy to make it through to lunch without snacking.

Why orange Juice?
Orange juice is quickest easy way to get your daily dose of Vitamic C and it tastes awesome. Green, leafy vegetables like Kale are best eaten in combination with fruits or veggie having Vitamin C because iron absorption in the body is improved by Vitamin C.

Why Walnuts?
To remember why are walnuts so special, face the fact that they literally look like brain. They have a significantly high concentration of DHA, a type of Omega-3 fatty acid. Among other things, DHA has been shown to protect brain health in newborns, improve cognitive performance in adults, and prevent or improve age-related cognitive decline. They are exceptionally rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Now why Ginger ???
I love ginger … its smell and its taste… but not sure about you, so kept it optional.
But if you are nutrition crazy like me, you will love it anyway.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory anti-oxidant properties. Ginger is always a goto for any kind of indigestion problems like nausea, stomachache, vomiting. Gingerol, from ginger has powerful medicinal properties. It is used as remedy for cold and cough paired with honey.

Ginger has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and improves various heart disease risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes. Ginger may lower cholesterol levels. Ginger contains a substance that may helps prevent Cancer and it may improve brain function.

How to make?
Check the video below.

Vow!!! Getting all this goodness in just one glass…. Such a morning routine will set You for Winning everyday. …

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