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Fennel Seeds : 3 fascinating health benefits of the unique plant

Fennel is a unique plant with all its part edible.

December 21, 2018

Suddenly, around 2 a.m., we woke up from the loud scream of our new born daughter. It wasn’t a surprise for us anymore because this was going on for last 4 nights. The poor little belly couldn’t handle the pain.… at times me and my husband felt so helpless for her. Fortunately, our savior, with a phone call back home my grandma reminded us of the, miracle “fennel extract/oil” …. Just rubbing few drops on a delicate belly relived her and she was asleep again.

This was my first encounter with “Fennel oil” and witnessed its amazing use. I have always known fennel seeds as “Mukhwas - an Indian after-meal snack or a digestive aid. Also used as a mouth freshener, especially after meals. It is common practice in Indian households to have few fennel seeds after meals.

Exploring Fennel…

Fennel is a unique plant with all its part edible. It’s a vegetable, herb, and spice. It has the ground-level bulb i.e. a vegetable which shoots celery-like stalks with flexible, delicate twigs i.e. herb which flowers producing sweet-smelling seeds i.e. a spice. All of them have a very sweet licorice scent and flavor, which comes from the volatile oil anethole. Fennel seeds are packed with anethole and tons of other powerful phytochemicals. These phytochemicals include phytoestrogens which are excellent for woman’s health.

Fennel seeds are tiny oval-shaped with vertical hairlines. They are yellow with slight green tinge Fennel seeds come in whole or ground form. It’s always a good practice for any spice especially aromatic spices like fennel to buy whole and ground as and when needed otherwise the volatile oils will dissipate, which guarantees most flavor.

Fennel seeds have unique flavor which works well for both savory and sweet recipes. The seeds can go with any spice blend helping to balance the flavor. It can boost any dish from spicy meats to sweet cakes to refreshing beverages. Fennel seeds can be eaten raw or can be lightly toasted to bring out their sweet flavor.

Fennel seeds have unique flavor which works well for both savory and sweet recipes. The seeds can go with any spice blend helping to balance the flavor. It can boost any dish from spicy meats to sweet cakes to refreshing beverages. Fennel seeds can be eaten raw or can be lightly toasted to bring out their sweet flavor.

They go well with Mediterranean dishes tomatoes, ripe olives, olive oil, basil, grilled meat, and seafood.

The fennel plant is cultivated in moderate climates around the world in Italy, France, India, Morocco, Egypt, and Taiwan. Most of the fennel seed used in the US is imported from Egypt.

Health benefits

1. Fennel seeds helps digestion:

According to traditional Ayurvedic medicine, fennel has been used to soothe digestive problems of all types, including abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea and even colic in babies. Fennel seeds helps by relaxing the lining of the intestines and reducing the inflammation. Fennel water is an excellent remedy for digestive problem like IBD. Not only for adults is fennel oil a proven remedy for colic in infants.

2. Fennel seeds helps brain health:

Fennel seeds are natural mood boosters. They release endorphins, chemicals produced by the body to relive stress, pain and depression. Thus, help lift our mood. Additionally, the potassium in the seeds boosts the mental abilities of the brain and contributes to our neural health. According to researchers in the Journal of Medicinal Food, fennel extract can be used in the treatment of cognitive disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

3. Fennel seeds are excellent for Weight loss

Fennel seeds increases metabolism and helps suppress hunger. Thanks to generous amount of dietary fiber in fennel seeds that helps keep hunger in check.
Fennel seeds are natural detoxifier and helps purify blood. Precisely, the fennel seed water helps empty the traces of uric acid in the blood, and further break down the stomach acids to prevent the accumulation of additional fat in the liver. Fennel seeds breaks down fats and reduces water retention, thus eliminating the common causes of temporary weight gain.

Additionally, they help stimulate Melatonin Production, which is responsible for sound sleep. According to studies, a good sleep is an efficient way to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

How can you use fennel seeds?

• Add a tsp or 2 of Fennel seeds to any dough and experience a special treat.

• Dry and crush toasted fennel seeds and steep them in tea.

• Sprinkle fennel seeds on top of cakes and muffins before baking.

• Add fennel to fruit salads and compotes.

• Add ground fennel to scrambled eggs.

• Make spiced olives by marinating 2 cups of olives in ½ cup of extra-virgin olive oil and 1 teaspoon each of fennel seeds, dried oregano, and dried thyme.

Home remedies:

1. Fennel Water for weight loss. Soak 3-4 tsp of fennel seeds in 3 cups of water. Next morning boil this water, till the water is reduced to ½ to 1 cup. Enjoy the fennel water.

2. Lightly dry roast ½ c of fennel seeds and grind them. Mix 1 tsp of this powder into a glass of warm water. Drink this decoction twice a day for all the health benefits.
3. For treatment of sore gums and bad breath, gargle with above decoction every day.
4. Chew on a few fennel seeds right after every meal for excellent digestive health.